Comprehensive pre-purchase background checks
Our current background checks aren't even fully enforced now. Also, they're missing a lot of data that could help in stopping bad people from acquiring a weapon. Why do we need to expand something when our politicians aren't doing anything to enforce the current system? The answer is simple: there would be no reason to continue infringing on your rights if the current system was actually being enforced like it was intended to. Politicians do this all the time--they drop the ball then demand that you hand over more freedoms. When does it stop?
Anyway, allow Joe Biden to explain it to you
closing the gun-show loophole
There is no gun-show loophole.
A loophole is defined as "an ambiguity or inadequacy in the law or a set of rules."
The Gun-show loophole is a misleading term in two ways: it's not a loophole and it's not limited to gun-shows.
What the Democrats really mean by it is that you can buy a gun from a private seller (not a Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) seller who sells guns as a business) without the seller having to conduct a background check so long as you both are in the same state.
However, it is not a loophole:
- The current federal laws strictly states that all FFLs must conduct a background check.
- The law allows for private sales without a background check. The only time a private sale is required is if the buyer and the seller are in different states, in which case, the seller must ship to an FFL where a background check must be performed.
- Also, the law says if a background check is not required because it's a private sale, the private seller must conduct due diligence before they transfer the firearm. If they don't, they are liable should the purchaser commit a crime with the gun.
Now, here's the folly with the logic of "closing the gun-show loophole": it assumes that criminals follow the law. You know who are going to be the only ones complying with gun control legislation? The same people who currently comply with gun-control laws now: the law-abiding citizen. So in the end, nothing changes, except more erosion of our freedoms.
So why do they call it the gun show loophole? Because a private seller can go into a gun show and sell their gun without having to conduct a background check on the buyer. However, this is true anywhere. Why did they chose to target gun-shows? My guess is that the Democrats focus group probably felt "Gun-show loophole" was an awesome buzzword. It rhymes, it has the word "loophole" in it, which naturally, people associate as a bad thing, and uses the word gun-show which makes it seem like this madness is happening in an area where there are hundreds of firearms.
Making sure that terrorists are not allowed to buy guns.
This is not what it seems on the surface (are you starting to notice a pattern, yet?). Watch this short video to understand what they're really talking about, which is a slippery slope towards tyranny: